This is Porter taking a snooze after his shots
- This Pic has nothing to do with shots but kev got him this hat for the hunt he thought his head was a lot bigger than it is- the hat is for like a one year old,
but it still looks cute on him
Well today Porter went for his two month check up, so far it has been a rough day for the little fella. However, not all of it as been bad he is weighing in at a whopping 10 pounds 12 oz, and is 24 inches long. That puts him in the fifth percentile for heighth and the 35th for weight. Basically he is a skinny long fellow. The doctor also said he was one of the most alert, and interactive babies he has seen. As the doctor would talk he would just follow him , smile, and try to talk to him(it was adorable). But, then came the bad part the shots, it was so sad-mostly for me. He did pretty good at the doc's office, but all day he has just looked so sad, and has been way fussy. Poor little guy, I feel so bad for him!! We were so glad though to hear that he is growing and developing well, we are so blessed!
Also I just wanted to add a quick thought about general conference this weekend. I loved pres. Monson's talk on change. It was really good for me to hear due to the fact that my life changed dramatically over the course of a month. It just reminded me to take each day and count it as a blessing. To not focus so much on the things I am stressed about, but instead to enjoy your love ones and your life as it is. Also, to enjoy your little ones the grow so fast, you'll never get those moments again so enjoy them!!!
b you are such a special person Trisha, I love you for the example you are to me. You lift my spirits and you are right, just love those moments and embrace them. I too enjoyed all the conferences talks and especially that one. We need to enjoy the day, the moments!!!!!! Love ya MOm
Sis, you are silly! Po-tah laying there in that bed looks like you. poor guy getting them pesty shots. A'jaye starts her shots next month I am NOT looken forward to it at all. The older they get the more it sucks to btw! Kym just began her shots at 2, and I decided with Jaye that I would start at one to avoid the "knowing whats happening stuff" It isn't fun being mommy sometimes.
I, too...loved the talk on "enjoying the moments" It hit me like a ton of bricks
Trisha he is so absolutely beautiful! I can only imagine you are the very best mother you have always been pleasant and happy. The two month shots are hard but the four months are horrible cause they are usually more painful. Hope motherhood is wonderful for you as it is I. Love you lots take care.
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