Cracking me Up!
So Porter is getting to be so funny, his little personality is really starting to show. I love this stage he is in, he is just trying to figure everything out. He is making a lot of new discoveries and it is so funny to watch him. The other day I had him laying on the floor while I was doing some house work. I walked into the living room to check on him and he was laying there moving his fingers in front of his face, and laughing so loud. He has discovered that his fingers are attached to him and that he can make them move. He thinks this is the coolest, funniest thing ever. He is growing so fast it scares me.
OMG, I looked at that pic of him and with his hat on and only his little pie face from eyes down like that showing he looks like Ash when she was a baby, or A'jaye minus the chub lol. There is a defiante resemblence at least to me.
From here on out, it will be fun and a joy to watch him grow and get his personality more and more. A'jaye is my happy medicine lately. SHe is just so dang fun and cute right now. She's getting to be quite the SAS though, & so dramatic. THe months ahead will defiantly be fun for you guys! He's just adorable, TRULY! Love ya sis
Porter went RETRO!!! I dig his FRO man. He is so adorable that I could just eat him up. I'm wondering when you are going to loan him to me so I can be the favorite aunt? Soon I hope.
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