Saturday, March 6, 2010

Send him to the Pro's

Hey, it's been a good Saturday with my little family! I love Saturdays, beside the fact that it is a relaxing day off, I get to be mom and wife all day and that makes me very happy. Our morning started off with a nice breakfast and lounging around together. Once my laziness subsided I began cleaning Porter's bedroom. When I was moving his crib he found his old pacifier. The pacifier he never used no matter how hard I tried to get him to use it. He went and hide in a corner and put it in his mouth and there it stayed all morning long.

After cleaning, lunch with Dad and some friends, and a quick trip to the library. Porter and I stopped at our favorite store the Dollar Tree. While, there Porter spotted and death grip this little plastic ball and bat set. And, since it was a whopping one dollar I bought it for him. He loves it and played with it all night. Dad taught him how to swing, and he caught on fast. He had the whole baseball stance going on, it was the cutiest thing I have literally ever seen!


1 comment:

kathleen said...

Sooooo cute! We got the pic and the voicemail last night late as we were at a dinner party. What cute cute pics. I bet he loves that bat a ball. He looked so dang cute. Loved him saying Go Jazz over the phone. Oh we miss you guys all ready!