Thursday, July 15, 2010

In other random news....

Today, I thought I would let Porter discover the wonderful world that is playdough! I wanted to make a dough that would give him lots of sensory time so I looked on the Internet and found a recipe for oatmeal playdough! I think it turned out pretty good and is a really good one for toddlers, because it is OK to eat it. Here is the recipe if you want it:

1 cup flour
2 cups oatmeal
1 cup water
a pinch of cornmeal

-Knead with hands

-It is a little sticky so don't be alarmed!

Porter really loved it and had lots of fun! I think we will defiantly use this again.

Porter ready to make some playdough!

You have to love those little hands....

It takes some serious concentration.....

And here are some random pictures that I just love from the summer.....

Porter chillin on Grandma's chair enjoying a Graham Cracker

Isn't his smile the best

Porter and McKay in Park City

1 comment:

kathleen said...

His smile would melt anyones heart especially a grandmas! Love my little Porter.