Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring time & nine months already!

It seems like winter as lasted forever this year. I was so excitied to see so much sun shine and nice, warm weather this week. Porter and I have enjoyed our morning walks in the park. Porter loves all the birds and dogs he see's there, he goes crazy for them. Today, we went to the park and took some cute pictures of him by the pond. He is growing so fast I can't believe he will be nine months old tomorrow. Time really does fly, I swear he was just born. Now he is moving all over the place, he never holds still. He talks his little jibber jabber and is eatting all sorts of food. He really is such a good baby, he sleeps until 8:30- 9:00 everyday, and takes atleast one good, long nap during the day. He loves crackers, and bannas, and loves when you read books to him. We are so glad we have him.

This is my own personal Homer Simpson, drinking his Duff Energy Drink


farnsworthfamily said...

WoW time goes so fast. your little guy is the same age as my youngest. they are so full of life. you are so lucky to have him sleep through the night. im still waking up with jazlyn at least two times a night. They are so precious.

Amanda and Chad said...

Those are the CUTEST pictures EVER of Porter at the pond! He is getting so big; I can't believe it! We miss him like crazy! Pais is lovin' this warm weather too- we spend all day outside and then she throws the biggest tantrum when we bring her in. When are you guys coming down next? BTW- Kev is a dork in that pic! Haha!

kathleen said...

Oh my little man! Him so cute!!!!I just wuv him! Wnat to pinch is face! Thanks for putting these pics on. Makes me miss you guys more but I love them! Happy 9 month birthday, Little guy!

Trent and Robyn said...

Hey look at all that gorgeous blond hair. Porter is getting so big. I can't wait to hold him when he is not sad. How many teeth does he have now?