Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Mother's Heart do I begin this post, decisions! I was reading online today a general conference talk given in 2004 by Julie Beck, entitled " A Mothers Heart." It is one talk that when I heard it struck a cord, I still remember the first time I heard it, it's words never left me. I turn to it sometimes when I need a reminder of my greater purpose, it's words give me comfort. I have had the great opportunity of experiencing life as a homemaker and life as a working mom. I have loved both for different reasons. Shortly before Porter was born I finished up my degree and life allowed me to stay home with him for the first year. I loved most days, playing with Porter, watching him discover,loved keeping my house clean, playing Betty Crocker, developing new talents, and most of all loved not missing a moment of his life. However, I had my days were I felt useless, I missed teaching, working. This year I went back to work as a preschool teachers, I am glad I found a job here that I enjoy. I love teaching, I love the feeling I get when I put together a great lesson that the kids learn from and enjoy. However, I have to watch Porter play through a window, everything has it's upside and it's down. I have been contemplating what I want to do when the time is right, and life allows me to do either. Will I want to teach, or will I want to stay home and teach my children? It is a hard decision, one I don't take lightly. Reading this talk today gave me a new perspective, especially this part:
...."I was recently at a park where I met a group of women with mother hearts. They were young, covenant-keeping women. They were bright and had obtained advanced degrees from respected universities. Now they were devoting their considerable gifts to planning dinner that evening and sharing housekeeping ideas. They were teaching two-year-olds to be kind to one another. They were soothing babies, kissing bruised knees, and wiping tears. I asked one of those mothers how it came about that she could transfer her talents so cheerfully into the role of motherhood. She replied, “I know who I am, and I know what I am supposed to do. The rest just follows.” That young mother will build faith and character in the next generation one family prayer at a time, one scripture study session, one book read aloud, one song, one family meal after another. She is involved in a great work. She knows that “children are an heritage of the Lord” and “happy is the [woman] that hath [a] quiver full of them” (Ps. 127:3, 5). She knows that the influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily mothering is far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential than any earthly position or institution invented by man. She has the vision that, if worthy, she has the potential to be blessed as Rebekah of old to be “the mother of thousands of millions” (Gen. 24:60)."
Being a mother is the greatest of gifts. No matter whether I am working or at home, it has and continues to teach me so much about myself. I am also grateful that I was able to gain an education and develop talents that will make me a better mother. And I am even more grateful for this bundle of joy and personality my Heavenly Father trusted me with.


Lindsey said...

I love hearing those words and they truly are inspired!! It definitely is a hard decision to make but hopefully down the road your path will become clear and you will know what to do. You are a wonderful mother and an incredible teacher and I have no doubt your talents and skills you learned while obtaining your degree have and will help you in raising your family. I have a really good book my mom gave me that touches on a lot of this subject if you ever want to borrow it.

kathleen said...

Such an inspiring message and such a great mom you are. Trisha you are a wonderful person inside and out and your love for that little fellow is the best! I choose to stay home and raise my kids and it does have its moments of good and bad. We do the best we can and always hope for the best. I know you will do the best and be a great mom and whatver you choose to do. Being a mom is the greatest gift of all. As I watch my children now I am so proud of each of you and that is my reward right there. Love you for your thoughts. They make us all stop and think.