Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nothing like a good weekend

This weekend was a very relaxing, good one! After, a few days of bad, snowy weather it was beautiful on Saturday. We were all tired of being cooped up in the house, so we decided to take Porter to the park. Porter absolutely loves to be out in the fresh air, and running around. We took his ball and bat and he and Dad had tones of fun hitting it. Porter also managed to find every puddle of water and run through it a million times!

This morning I finally found my camera!!! I got it out to take some pictures of the little man and he wanted to play with it! I told him no and he got very mad at me. He can pull some really funny faces when he is throwing a fit!

This is the " please"......

Then the lip comes out.......( I know this is a crappy picture)

Finally it is full blown war.....

Also, when we were in Cancun Eva and Blake bought Porter this pimp tan Mexican Drug Dealer outfit!!! Ha Ha it's just this really cute tan short outfit, anyway he wear the shirt today but it is still to cold for shorts. He looked really, really cute in it.

Also, we took a picture of me and him today! I was looking at it and he looked so big to me. I can't believe how much he has grown, he isn't a baby anymore, tears!!!

And, finally this is a picture of the little and the big!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love it when Ryann throws her "drama fits", they do pull the funniest faces.