Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Most of my WHAT THE HECK moments come from the hours I spend in my Preschool room. So, I have a few more to share along with some others!

1. Another teacher ask a student why her listening ears were not working. She looks at her for a short moment and replies, " Because they ran out of gas teacher!"

2. A little boy is getting in trouble for hitting another student. In responds to the world famous question " Why did you hit him?" He cleverly replies, " It was an accident, I meant to hit myself and I slipped and hit him."

3. Porter is already going through a independent stage. Everything I tell him whether it is to time to take a bath, do you want something to eat, or trying to change his diaper. No matter the situation he always looks at me points his finger and screams, " No,No Mommy!" WHAT THE HECK is this a glimpse into my future?

4. My junk food intake has increased dramatically in the last couple of months! WHAT THE HECK, I've got to get it together and stop pounding down the Cheeto puffs.

5. Yes, my life has come to blogging about the stupid Bachelor twice in a roll. But, I am seriously done with this show, Vienna come on WHAT IN THE HECK.

6. In conclusion Buzz Aldrin is on the new season of dancing with the stars! WHAT THE HECK, from walking on the moon to dancing with the stars.

1 comment:

kathleen said...

your Dad is writing this as I don't know how to log in on my own. I read you blog and view the photographs and almost everytime, a tear comes to my eyes. I love you and your family so very much. you all bring such joy into my life. Love you all. DAD